Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

African Child’s Day Celebration in Nairobi

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The month of July 2021 was an unforgettable one for the rural nursery school children in Nairobi. Ordinarily each year, the children gather for their African Child’s Day celebration at Notre Dame Zinduka Women’s Centre. Because of Covid-19, it was decided that this year each rural nursery school should have its own celebration at its own center and that the parents could take part, too.

The parents contributed funds for the food to be served on that day.  The teachers prepared the children with a variety of competitive games and class activities to present for their parents. After the games, the sisters gave various gifts to the children. Special thanks to Sister Mary Namita Thaliath, who provided some tracksuits and sweaters from Notre Dame School in Syokimau, Kenya. These were great prizes for the rural nursery school talent show competition on the occasion of African Child’s Day Celebration.

The day’s events at each school concluded with the planting of a fruit tree by the parents, teachers, and the children to contribute to the renewal of the face of the Earth.

Sister Mary Elizabeth Wanza gave two packets of sweets to reward the children at the end of the events.  Of course, the children enjoyed the treat, and all went home very happy.

By Sister Mary Kellen, SND

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